Thursday, February 17, 2011

Free writing

I am really excited for this weekend because i have two games left before our section game sometime next week. These last two games are going to be big games for us to see if we can move up a couple of points in the standings. I am kind of sad that these could be the last two games for m, i will never be able to play for a Eastview team ever again after this. Though i am somewhat happy that the season is just about over because it wasn't a successful season for us even though i was out the majority of it i am read to be done with it. Then my next sport that i will play will be golf and i am really excited for this because we take a trip down to Arizona and we spend five days there golfing. These courses that we golf on are some of the most expensive courses out in Arizona and we get to play on them for a good price. The golf season can tend to be a little long to but i like how the practices are really easy for us and we cant get benched for having a bad score. This weekend i wont be doing much except for working on sunday instead of sleeping all day but i need the money to put gas in my car to drive it.

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