Monday, February 7, 2011

cont. of sentence

The lion looks over at me.... He then makes sure that I'm not looking at him and then he pounces onto the zebra eating him to death. Then the lion makes a weird call to all the other lions for them to come over to have some dinner. All the lions were eating and they all heard me move in the bushes, i didn't move a muscle when that happened. I only have a spear in my hand to help protect me but the way it was looking i wasn't going to do much damage to four lions hovering the now dead zebra. I had a special whistle that was loud enough that the lions couldn't hear but humans could, then more people came to help me with all the lions that were there and when they weren't looking all seven of us jumped out of the bushes and headed straight for the lions. We ended up getting all the lions but we lost only one person in this battle with the lions.

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